Preparations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee are well in swing in Colchester. Britain’s oldest town is soon to become a city as part of the celebrations and there’s going to be a lot going on there this bank holiday weekend to mark it.
As well as various small, local events, a large full-day celebration is going to take place in Castle Park which will include a gun salute, beacon lighting, royal proclamation and more. With just days to go, the current town is already looking the part.
The high street has been decorated with large flags of both the Union Jack and the jubilee logo. Elsewhere, Red Lion Yard had flag bunting covering the ceiling – making it look extremely patriotic.
Read more: Essex pubs where you can buy pints for free using a secret Jubilee codeword
Across town, you will also find flags and decorations in Culver Square, Lion Walk and some in Eld Lane. Most of the celebrations in the town will be happening in Castle Park and there’s lots of preparation going on there.
The bandstand has undergone a makeover and is looking very fresh, it too has been decorated with flags for the occasion. By the pond, an incredible garden display is also being crafted.
Skilled gardeners have been laying an intricate plant design of the jubilee emblem to give the town a lasting memory of the celebrations. Close to the castle entrance, there is also something which is being hidden away.
Behind a barrier designed to look like a brick wall, there is what looks like a wicker or willow sculpture. It just pokes out of the top and appears to be in the shape of a carriage.
Plenty of shops and houses across Colchester have also got in the jubilee spirit with flags and themed window displays. Take a look at our photos below to see the town getting ready for the big day.
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